IELTS Speaking Simulator
English Level Test
Mock Job Interview
Vocabulary Booster
IELTS Writing Simulator

Learning Tools for Employees

Teaching Assistant for Schools

Assessment Test

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Prepare for the IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS Speaking Test Simulator provides you with a BAND score and detailed performance report instantly

Customize your IELTS mock test with your own questions
Thousands of mock exam samples were used to train the AI
IELTS Descriptors: Fluency & coherence, Lexical resource, Grammatical range, Pronunciation

Personalized solutions

An in-depth analysis of strengths and weaknesses

Band score assessment in seconds

Take advantage of other features to improve your spoken English
In SmallTalk chat, find a speaking partner for a mock exam
Recommendations for boosting your band score
Analysis of active vocabulary, synonym variety, fillers and linkers
Mistakes in grammar and usage of grammar constructions
Comprehensive collection of exam questions with key phrases and sample answers

Record Your Voice and Get Instant Feedback

personalized solutions in the app
Person gets Band and report
Student gets 6.5 IELTS Band

What Our Customers Say

SmallTalk2Me recognizes and analyzes speech without human intervention and with flawless accuracy. Thousands of mock IELTS speaking exams were used to train our cutting-edge deep learning algorithms.

We predict bands based on the IELTS public band descriptors. SmallTalk2Me AI analyzes speech using the following indicators: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation.

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