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2023-06-14 16:15 IELTS Speaking

Sample Questions and Answers for the IELTS Speaking Exam on the Environment and Conservation topic

In this article we will delve into one of the most popular topics for the IELTS Speaking Parts 1-3: Environment and Conservation. Our aim is to provide you with sample questions and answers, as well as some valuable IELTS Speaking tips to help you excel in this particular area.
Here are some sample questions related to the Environment and Conservation topic you may be asked on the exam.
  1. Describe a wild place in your home country that you would like to visit in the future.
  2. Why do governments establish national parks and other protected areas?
  3. Do you think that we need more protected wild areas in the world?
  4. What role do sanctuaries and national parks play globally?
  5. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?
  6. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?
  7. Do you think large companies and business organizations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How?
  8. Are people concerned about environmental problems in your country?
  9. Do you believe climate change is a serious problem?
  10. What should be done about plastic in the ocean?

1. Describe a wild place in your home country that you would like to visit in the future.

My home country is famous for picturesque sanctuaries and national parks, which are situated in every corner of the country. I'd be happy to visit Niagara Falls, one of the most amazing places on planet Earth. Niagara Falls is a huge national park on the border of the USA and Canada. Both American and Canadian travellers can enjoy stunning views and explore local fauna and flora. It's a bit hard to get to Niagara Falls from my hometown, but, to my mind, a long drive is absolutely worth it. I'd go to this national park with a bunch of my friends who love nature and being in the wilderness. I have very adventurous friends who often hike to unwind. I'm sure that a trip to Niagara Falls will be an unforgettable experience for me as I will see one of the biggest waterfalls in the world as well as some endangered species and just enjoy the unique environment.

2. Why do governments establish national parks and other protected areas?

As far as I know, protected areas are needed to conserve endangered species which are on the brink of extinction. Sanctuaries and national parks help to prevent illegal logging and poaching, and thus play a huge role in environmental protection. I believe that it's only one of the measures that governments should take to address such issues as environmental pollution and climate change.

3. Do you think that we need more protected wild areas in the world?

Undoubtedly, the more areas we protect, the more will be conserved for the generations to come. Unfortunately, a huge number of endemic animal and plant species have already been eradicated and even more are dying out these days. We should stop illegal hunting, and for this purpose, we must create protected wild territories with restricted access.

4. What role do sanctuaries and national parks play globally?

I'm convinced that protected areas play a huge role in protecting keystone species. However, successful conservation efforts include not only sanctuaries but also many other measures and institutes. National parks aren't enough to eradicate poaching and environmental pollution which harm wildlife. We need new legislation which will guarantee the protection of wildlife and, as a result, the prosperity of communities. Another issue to address is climate change which poses a grave threat to all of us.

5. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

Of course not! I think it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. Sure, the government has the power to enact laws and craft policies but how good is the law if nobody respects it.
We simply could not go on with our lives throwing our wastes irresponsibly and expect the government to just clean it up. There is nothing left to clean up in the first place if only we dispose of things properly, it wastes both time and resources.

6. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

There are a lot of ways on how individuals can do to protect the environment some of them are:
  • Turn off appliances when you are not using them.
  • Recycle and segregate your biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste or better yet avoid creating trash by avoiding disposable products.
  • Minimize your water and electricity consumption.
  • Use a fuel-efficient car or if you are traveling short distances, take a walk or ride a bicycle.
These are just small things we can do to change our lifestyles, imagine millions of other people doing the same thing. It can gradually make a difference.

7. Do you think large companies and business organizations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How?

Development is good; sometimes it is a necessity to survive in today’s world. Businesses need profit, but they should not do so at the expense of the environment. Sustainable development is the key, the needs of the present have to be met without compromising the ability of future generations to sustain life on this planet.

8. Are people concerned about environmental problems in your country?

Well, it’s hard to say for sure. I think some people are concerned but probably not enough of them. There are people who take environmental problems seriously enough to actually recycle their rubbish appropriately but I don’t think there are enough people who concern themselves with resource depletion which I consider to be a pressing issue. So many people are using energy and buying products without any thought to the impact of their actions. We all know that the world’s resources are being used at an alarming rate but no one seems to actually feel it’s their responsibility to change the way they live. So, I guess, although there are some people who are concerned, it’s not enough and more people in my country need to change the way they live.

9. Do you believe climate change is a serious problem?

Yes, I do. The issue of climate change has been growing over the past few decades and we are now witnessing serious changes in global weather patterns. While some countries are suffering from heat waves, other countries are suffering from terrible snow storms. But that isn’t the worst of the problem. The changes in the climate are also causing extreme weather such as typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis, which are devastating many countries. On top of that, there are also concerns about rising sea levels, which although not a problem now, will be a serious concern to any low lying country in the future. So, I feel that climate change is something which needs to be taken very seriously.

10. What should be done about plastic in the ocean?

While quite a lot has been done already to highlight this terrible problem, I think more could be done to make sure the public knows the dangers. Apparently around 350 million tonnes of plastic are being produced each year and around 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year.
If waste management practices don't improve, scientists predict this amount could increase tenfold by 2025. What happens is that while paper will eventually disintegrate, plastic does not do this and so when it does eventually break up, it still leaves smaller fragments called microplastics, which have been identified in commercial fish consumed by humans.

Environment and Conservation Vocabulary

The following list of vocabulary and phrases can help you expand your lexicon on the Environment and Conservations topic. This will enable you to express yourself more accurately during the IELTS Speaking test.
  • rural area
  • in the countryside
  • peaceful
  • in the fresh air
  • sanctuary / safari
  • national park
  • environment
  • to explore
  • to go hiking
  • picturesque
  • adventurous
  • in the wilderness
  • wanderlust
  • uninhabited areas
  • secluded forest camps
  • indigenous tribe
  • endangered species
  • to unwind
  • to play a role
  • to take a measure
  • to take steps
  • to address issues
  • illegal logging
  • poaching
  • conservationists
  • environmental protection
  • to conserve
  • on the brink of extinction
  • to prevent
  • Undoubtedly, ...
  • to require
  • to expand
  • restricted
  • illegal hunting
  • endemic animal and plant species
  • fauna and flora
  • to die out
  • to eradicate
  • successful conservation efforts
  • keystone species
  • natural state
  • future generations
  • climate change
  • environmental pollution
  • to be at stake
  • to pose a grave threat to
  • prosperity of communities
By familiarizing yourself with these questions and practicing your responses, you can enhance your speaking skills and boost your confidence for the IELTS Speaking exam.
Furthermore, we introduced the IELTS Speaking simulator by SmallTalk2Me, which offers a convenient and efficient way to practice authentic IELTS speaking questions, receive personalized feedback and track your progress. With such regular practice you can approach the IELTS Speaking exam with confidence and achieve your desired results.