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2023-06-04 20:27 IELTS Speaking

Sample Questions and Answers for the IELTS Speaking Exam on the Hobbies and Leisure Activities topic

In this article we will delve into one of the most popular topics for the IELTS Speaking Parts 1-3: Hobbies and Leisure. Our aim is to provide you with sample questions and answers, as well as some valuable IELTS Speaking tips to help you excel in this particular area.
Here are some sample questions related to the Hobbies and Leisure topic you may be asked on the exam.
  1. Do you have any hobbies or interests? What are they?
  2. How do you usually spend your free time?
  3. How do you usually spend your holidays?
  4. What places would you like to visit? Why?
  5. Do you spend a lot of time by yourself?
  6. What do you usually do when you are alone?
  7. Why do some people prefer to spend their free time alone?
  8. Do you think it is important to have time for yourself?
  9. What musical instrument do you like listening to the most? Why?
  10. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? Which one?
  11. How often do you do sport? Why
  12. Would you like to take up a new sport in the future? Why?
  13. What type of photos do you like taking? Why/Why not?
  14. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? Why/Why not?

1. Do you have any hobbies or interests? What are they?

Most of all I am fond of doing sports. I like going to the gym and jogging in the fresh air. That helps me to keep fit and clear my thoughts. Scientists say that doing sport enriches the brain with oxygen and helps to improve mental activity. Apart from sports, I enjoy going to the movies and watching bestsellers.

2. How do you usually spend your free time?

I am usually quite busy during the week. So as soon as I have free time, I try to devote it to my family and closest friends. I really enjoy throwing small parties where we can gather together. Besides this I visit the gym every weekend for a workout or go to a swimming pool. And I enjoy playing video games with my console.

3. How do you usually spend your holidays?

Most often I try to go abroad to visit a new place I have never been before. I enjoy travelling a lot: I like going sightseeing, taking pictures and learning information about famous landmarks. But at the same time I love to relax on the seaside, lie on the beach, enjoy the sound of the sea, sunbathe and do nothing.

4. What places would you like to visit? Why?

I am keen on exploring ancient temples and learning about other cultures and traditions, that is why going to some antique places would be preferable. Unfortunately I have never been to Greece so I would be really interested in visiting Athens with its monuments and rich history or Mykonos with its amazing architecture and breathtaking landscapes.

5. Do you spend a lot of time by yourself?

Each of us is unique and has his own personality. Someone is an extrovert and likes to communicate with others a lot. The other cares about privacy and prefers to spend time alone. As for me, it is really significant to spend time by myself. It helps to organise my thoughts, focus on the most important tasks and relax if I need that.

6. What do you usually do when you are alone?

First of all, I study online. I like learning new things. When I am tired of learning I have a break. I can surf the internet and chat with my friends or even play some games on the console. I also like sitting on the balcony, enjoying the view from the bay window and reading a book.

7. Why do some people prefer to spend their free time alone?

It depends on their personality. For example, Introverts are not keen on socializing too much. Moreover, someone works with people and continuous communication is a part of their job. So being alone is crucial for them because they need to recharge their batteries. And also it helps to relax, meditate. And then who knows, maybe a genius idea would come to you.

8. Do you think it is important to have time for yourself?

I suppose it is of great importance for a human to have time for themselves. Especially, if you live in a big city and meet thousands of strangers in transport, streets or shops on a daily basis. Or if your job responsibilities are connected with communication, then you have to have that “me”-time just to clear your thoughts.

9. What musical instrument do you like listening to the most? Why?

There are lots of instruments that I like listening to, but my favourite one is the quitar. It can be really versatile: from catchy tunes to a heart-breaking romantic melody. Moreover, this instrument is very often used all over the world. So that we can enjoy some beautiful national pieces of music, for example, Spanish guitar.

10. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? Which one?

I have tried to learn to play the piano and the guitar several times. But to tell the truth, it wasn’t really successful. I probably don’t have a knack for music. However, my parents wanted me to play musical instruments and go to art school. It was a complete disaster amd torture for me.

11. How often do you do sport? Why

I try to go in for sport at least twice a week. If I had more free time I would do sports nearly everyday. But I am usually very busy during the week, so I go to the gym at the weekend, do some workouts there or just run on the treadmill for half an hour. After that I visit swimming pool with a sauna and spa zone. That helps me to keep fit.

12. Would you like to take up a new sport in the future? Why?

As soon as I have more time to spare, I will definitely take up a new sport. That will probably be some kind of martial art, because it is beneficial not only for my health, but also for my mind. Martial arts usually teach you to control your emotions. Besides, I will feel safer, if I can use self-defence.

13. What type of photos do you like taking? Why/Why not?

I am keen on taking photos of picturesques landscapes. I am fascinated by the vibrant colours of nature or the hi-tech design of the urban jungle. We should keep in mind that I am an amateur photographer. It means that I usually take photos with my iphone, not a professional photo camera and expensive equipment.

14. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? Why/Why not?

I suppose I am quite good at taking photos. So my digital storage is usually full after travelling. But some years ago when smartphones didn’t have high quality cameras I used to buy postcards and different souvenirs to keep those memorable moments.

Hobbies and Leisure Activities Vocabulary

The following list of vocabulary and phrases can help you expand your lexicon on the Hobbies and Leisure Activities topic. This will enable you to express yourself more accurately during the IELTS Speaking test.
  • a circle of friends / relatives
  • family gatherings / events
  • to throw a party
  • to overwork
  • to devote time to...
  • I'm a fan of...
  • to have fun
  • to hang out
  • spare time
  • to go out / to eat out
  • on the internet / social networks
  • to study online
  • to feel bored
  • to interact with...
  • to blog
  • to surf the net
  • to work out
  • to have a break
  • I'm fond of...
  • I'm a big fan of ... sports team
  • As for me...
  • I'm keen on...
  • I'm a fan of...
  • violin / guitar / piano
  • emotional / passionate / relaxing
  • jazz/ country / soul
  • It depends on...
  • to be in the mood for...
  • to inspire / motivate
  • I'm keen on...
  • I'm fascinated by...
  • a colour / black-and-white photo
  • vibrant colours
  • memorable / picturesque / unique
  • landscape and wildlife photography
  • portraits / still life / photo shoot
  • to do fashion photography
  • The camera doesn't lie.
By familiarizing yourself with these questions and practicing your responses, you can enhance your speaking skills and boost your confidence for the IELTS Speaking exam.
Furthermore, we introduced the IELTS Speaking simulator by SmallTalk2Me, which offers a convenient and efficient way to practice authentic IELTS speaking questions, receive personalized feedback and track your progress. With such regular practice you can approach the IELTS Speaking exam with confidence and achieve your desired results.