SmallTalk2Me Team Blog
2021-06-23 15:04 English for Business

How to streamline your remote hiring

In today’s after pandemic world, most of the companies have set their hiring process in the remote mode and they tend to continue this way for a while. If you still have some problems in this area, follow these tips to fix them.

1. Talk to employees on the role currently before choosing the job promotion platform

With a boost of various job promotion platforms, many of them tend to be irrelevant and inefficient for the job you’re seeking a candidate for. That’s why before wasting your budget on it, talk to your colleagues about the role and find out where they hang out online, what sites they would search for a job on. Plus: do they know people they worked with before who might be interested?

2. Leverage technology before an interview

In this chaotic time, it’s important to make sure we use our teams wisely. How long does it take to screen 1,000 candidates and conduct virtual interviews and assessments? Tech can alleviate some of that admin work, so your recruitment speed improves without sacrificing quality, which gives recruiters more time to focus on top candidates. For example, if you need to check the candidate’s verbal English proficiency, try#nbsp;Smalltalk’s AI-based assessment tool, which will help you evaluate your candidate’s skills in a quick and unbiased way.

3. Get acquainted with technology tools in advance

Remember to test your audio and video beforehand. Give the candidate a few minutes to log in and get comfortable in front of the camera.
Be aware that seeing someone in Zoom is different from talking offline. Be aware that you might be a little biased and an out-of-place gesture doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a wrong candidate.
If candidates have a lot of questions about the technology you’re using and how to connect before the interview, and the volume sometimes becomes overwhelming, it’s time to think about a chatbot.

4. Put hiring manager relationship first

The hiring manager-recruiter relationship can be damaged in many ways. Aim to collaborative hiring: involve both the hiring manager and the pre-existing team who know better what the actual work looks like.
Do your homework and find out need-to-have and nice-to-have qualifications, salary range, necessary personal traits of previous employees in this role or on this team, current and upcoming projects.
The hiring manager is typically busy, that’s also why involving the bigger team can be helpful.