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2023-06-04 20:13 IELTS Speaking

Sample Questions and Answers for the IELTS Speaking Exam on the Travel and Tourism topic

In this article we will delve into one of the most popular topics for the IELTS Speaking Parts 1-3: Travel and Tourism. Our aim is to provide you with sample questions and answers, as well as some valuable IELTS Speaking tips to help you excel in this particular area.
Here are some sample questions related to the Travel and Tourism topic you may be asked on the exam.
  1. What place do you like visiting most? Why?
  2. How often do you visit this place? Why?
  3. Describe a time when you travelled with an old person.
  4. Describe an important journey that was delayed.
  5. Do you think it’s important for old people to travel? Why?
  6. Will you travel when you get old?
  7. Do elderly people travel in your country?
  8. What mode of travel do you consider the safest?
  9. How do people travel long distances in your country?
  10. How can travelling be useful to people?
  11. What type of places do you recommend people to visit during vacations?

1. What place do you like visiting most? Why?

First of all, when I travel, I prefer to go on sightseeing tours to visit ancient landmarks to understand the life of our ancestors better. I find it breathtaking when you can see and touch the ruins of ancient temples. I am also fond of visiting picturesque natural landscapes. And these two things are mixed in the local count's estate.

2. How often do you visit this place? Why?

Well, I try to leave the urban area to enjoy nature every weekend or when I have enough spare time. Sometimes it is really important to stay on your own and escape from the city just to relax and breathe fresh air. And every time I go on a trip I try to enjoy various new beautiful places and nature depending on the climate.

3. Describe a time when you travelled with an old person.

Like many people, I am keen on travelling. However, travelling with an old person can be quite challenging. But I suppose that obstacles and difficulties just make us stronger and wiser.
I want to tell you about my grandmother’s trip from her hometown to my parents’ house. It happened 2 years ago. My father had made a decision that his mother (my grandmother) should move to them because she was too old to live so far away and to take care of herself.
So I took a flight to the North, met my grandmother and helped her to pack her things and sell the house. Then it happened that she was afraid of flying, so I had to buy tickets for a train. Just imagine, several days on a train trip!
But fortunately, my grandmother has always been a very wise, down-to-earth and positive person. I had expected our trip to be difficult, but it was a very nice experience. We even changed the route to visit some relatives and big cities on our way. So in general this trip turned into an enjoyable time.

4. Describe an important journey that was delayed.

Nowadays people have to travel a lot on business or on holiday. But regardless of the purpose, we often have to plan all trips in advance: to purchase tickets, book the hotel and obtain the visa if needed.
I am a very responsible person, and I hate it when something goes wrong. However, sometimes the circumstances do not depend on us. Once I was going to another country to a professional conference. Moreover, I was a speaker at that conference. So I had made all the preparations and headed to the airport.
While still in the taxi, I realized that the weather was just awful, it was pouring. So when I arrived at the airport, it was announced that my flight was delayed. I was so nervous and disappointed. We had to wait for 12 hours. I was wandering around the airport, not able to change anything.
In the end, I managed to get to the conference without visiting the hotel. Despite the fact that I was very tired, the audience appreciated my performance.

5. Do you think it’s important for old people to travel? Why?

Sure, it helps them to unwind. Pensioners don’t work anymore and they have to change the environment from time to time. Nowadays I meet a lot of retired people on their journey to different countries. And I feel so happy for them. Moreover, they usually travel in groups and that helps them to communicate and find new acquaintances.

6. Will you travel when you get old?

Definitely yes. I am an adventurous person and hope to cherish this quality up to old age. Nowadays I have to work a lot to earn money, get a promotion in my career and don’t have enough time to visit all the countries that I want. But when I retire I am going to have enough passive income that will allow me to go anywhere I prefer.

7. Do elderly people travel in your country?

Unfortunately, in my country retired people can’t afford to travel a lot. But at least once a year each family tries to leave their neighbourhood for an entertaining or recreational trip. Fortunately, we have a sufficient number of resorts and sanatoriums that allow you to relax without having to travel abroad.

8. What mode of travel do you consider the safest?

Well, according to statistics, traveling by train is the safest. Despite the fact that I find the trains to be slow and boring, they are really safe. No doubt that there are a lot of airplane accidents and car crashes. But if we follow all measures and safety regulations, we can contribute to transport safety.

9. How do people travel long distances in your country?

The majority of people prefer to travel by air. Now it is quite affordable and quick. The others prefer to travel by train. It is cheap and they have a chance to relax. But what surprises me most is the people who like to travel long distances by car with their whole family. It seems terribly inconvenient, but nevertheless there are people in my environment who told me about such journeys.

10. How can travelling be useful to people?

I am fond of travelling and find it really beneficial. It helps to broaden our horizons and become more open-minded. We live in a globalized world so it is important to communicate with people of other cultures, to understand their lives better. Moreover, travelling helps to learn the history of our world and society by exploring ancient landmarks.

11. What type of places do you recommend people to visit during vacations?

It depends on the person's interests. But in general I would recommend not wasting your time sitting in the hotel, but to go sightseeing instead. You can visit historical landmarks, museums and art galleries and after that enjoy the tranquility of beautiful natural landscapes.

Travel and Tourism Vocabulary

The following list of vocabulary and phrases can help you expand your lexicon on the Travel and Tourism topic. This will enable you to express yourself more accurately during the IELTS Speaking exam.
  • to go sightseeing
  • to do travelling
  • art gallery / exhibition
  • to go abroad
  • coastal / mountainous / remote
  • picturesque / relaxing / peaceful
  • in the countryside / city center
  • a residential / rural / urban area
  • in the suburbs
  • on the outskirts of...
  • It depends on...
  • once in a while / occasionally
  • every now and then
  • costly / affordable / inexpensive
  • to go by myself
  • means of transport
  • remote area
  • spare time
  • to make / find time to...
  • journey / travel time
  • recently / long ago
  • relative / close friend / stranger / acquaintance
  • to go abroad
  • in the countryside
  • rural / urban area
  • to go sightseeing
  • to do travelling
  • art gallery / exhibition
  • in the suburbs
  • on the outskirts of...
  • a neighbourhood
  • retirement
  • coastal / mountainous / remote
  • picturesque / relaxing / peaceful
  • to be inspired by...
  • amazing / remarkable / fun
  • memorable / unforgettable
  • to value
  • to my great surprise
  • touched / impressed
  • to be on cloud nine
  • to make a journey
  • a slight / considerable delay
  • traffic / flight delays
  • to postpone
  • to cancel
  • to be late / on time
  • means of transport
  • to focus on...
  • to count on...
  • to be upset / sad
  • to be confused about...
  • to say sorry / apologize
  • to have worries / concerns about ...
  • to be optimistic about...
  • to be afraid of...
  • dramatic / significant changes
  • to have an opportunity
  • to be full of hope
  • to cherish a hope
  • to encourage
  • to motivate
  • to broaden their horizons
  • to have fun
  • to interact with...
  • to be active
  • interested in...
  • young at heart
  • to deserve
  • to afford
  • to be keen on...
  • to take pictures
  • to make friends
  • adventurous
  • inspiring / amazing
  • to have a trip
  • journey by...
  • to be accompanied by...
  • retirement
By familiarizing yourself with these questions and practicing your responses, you can enhance your speaking skills and boost your confidence for the IELTS Speaking test.
Furthermore, we introduced the IELTS Speaking simulator by SmallTalk2Me, which offers a convenient and efficient way to practice authentic IELTS speaking questions, receive personalized feedback and track your progress. With such regular practice you can approach the IELTS Speaking exam with confidence and achieve your desired results.